Each year, the Congressional Research Service (CRS), publishes a report that provides a profile of the congressional body. The report contains statistical information that sheds light on the make-up of the people who have been elected to serve the people. Data such as party affiliation, average age, occupation, education, and other selected characteristics are included in the report. Although the research is published to inform the legislative debate, the report is available online to anyone knowing where to find it.
Not surprisingly, the report consistently shows that the law profession is represented more than other professions among those elected to congress followed by business, and public service/politics. According to the most recent CRS publication, In the 118th congress there are 23 representatives who hold no degree beyond a high school diploma or a GED. Which brings me to the point of this writing.
Politicians often express concern over the state of the country’s public education systems – why they are broken – what should be done to fix them – etc. but most politicians have not spent time in a classroom. They’ve been in the classroom as students but not as teachers. A minority of the congressional body, approximately 18%, hail from the teaching profession but that doesn’t stop the others from deciding on educational policy.
Our educational system is under attack. Local right-wing activists are strategizing to duplicate the attacks on education that are taking place in Florida right here in our backyard. We an help fend them off with your help.
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